Ayurvedic & Western Approaches To The Treatment Of Schizophrenia (by Rubén Vega, MA) Schizophrenia Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Ayurvedic & Western approaches to the treatment of Schizophrenia (by Rubén Vega, MA)

Hallo, Good Evening, at this time will explain about schizophrenia ayurvedic herbal treatment Ayurvedic & Western approaches to the treatment of Schizophrenia (by Rubén Vega, MA) see more


Ayurvedic medicine is single about the world’s oldest and most perfect systems about natural restoring which offers comprehensive and holistic care intended fleshly and intellectual disorders. It promotes fleshly state and restoring about the brain via diverse methods focused supported by treating everything the physical, psychological, and metaphysical aspects about each single affected with fleshly and intellectual disorders. In a review Of the writings from the established Ayurvedic texts to flow Ayurvedic literature  As well as the most flow Western Psychological / Psychiatric  Approaches to the care about schizophrenia. I will study the causes,  theories, and care methods utilized by these two divergent approaches in the care about schizophrenia and more intellectual disorders.  In addition, I will and shortly relate some about the Ayurvedic’s metaphysical therapies and factors to the care about intellectual disorders.


According to the National Institute about Mental Health, almost 2.4 million American adults, or about 1.1 percent about the population age 18 and older in a given calendar year keep schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia is start everything over the world, in everything races, cultures and communal classes. It affects 1 out about 100 persons worldwide.  “More than two million Americans are affected by schizophrenia and almost 1 percent about the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime. More than 2 million Americans be in pain from the illness in a given calendar year and single out about every 10 persons with schizophrenia commits suicide.” 1. (www.nimh.nih.gov).  “Approximately 10 percent about persons with schizophrenia (especially younger adult males) commit suicide.”(2). (www.nimh.nih.gov). “It is generally assumed that personal life|self-destruction} is a problem sole intended those with major depression.  This theory is, unfortunately, not true. Suicide rates among persons with schizophrenia are alarmingly high; in fact, personal life|self-destruction} is the figure single source about untimely death. Ten to thirteen percent kill themselves, and close to fifty percent attempt personal life|self-destruction} at some point in their lives.”

(3). Keefe, H arvey, (1994). Number the citation+ give the page figure from where you took quote.

Schizophrenia has been considered single about the most chronic, disabling, and hard to understand about the intellectual disorders since classical times.  People with this illness suffer with a mislaying about single potential and personal anguish, resulting in significant emotional and communal consequences.  People with schizophrenia hurt scary symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and distorted perceptions about reality, disordered thinking, shortage about emotional expression and communication problems.

This frequently leaves them fearful, anxious, confused, and reserved intended the relax about their lives.  A broad variety about reason or events can and power lead some persons to run a risk intended suicide, while this risk may be higher intended individuals with schizophrenia.  The underlying causes are the similar intended those who are afflicted with this disease. Some about the causes can be depression, feelings about hopelessness, thing unemployed, thing unmarried, experiencing deteriorating state and recent upsetting experiences and/or stress.

 Due to those reasons listed above, schizophrenia is considered a destructive disorder same as no other, causing pervasive and profound social, economic and personal influence supported by those afflicted. Most about the persons with schizophrenia keep on to hurt chronically or episodically throughout their lives.  It has been estimated that no additional than single in five individuals recover completely.

What is schizophrenia?  Why is schizophrenia still considered single about the most fearsome and disabling intellectual disorders?   What are the Western Psychiatric/psychological theories about Schizophrenia? What is the Ayurvedic interpretation about schizophrenia and intellectual illness?  What are the care methods utilized by psychiatric/Psychological approaches and Ayurvedic medicine in the care about schizophrenia and more psychotic disorders?   And, what Ayurvedic treatments are available intended persons suffering with intellectual illness? These are just a few questions that will be answered in the following pages.      

Western definition about Schizophrenia

According to Western Psychiatry, Schizophrenia is not a break nature condition, however a chronic relapsing psychotic disorder that largely affects thought and behavior.  According to DSM-V, schizophrenia is described as  “ a disorder that lasts intended at least six months and includes at least single month about active-phase symptoms (i.e., two (or more) about the following: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, invalidating symptoms)”.   DSM-IV criteria place five subtypes about schizophrenia: Paranoid type, disorganized type, Catatonic type, undifferentiated type, and Residual type. All about these vary by their degree about seriousness and symptomatology.  

Ayurevedic Interpretation about Schizophrenia and more Psychotic Disorders

As noted by Dr. Halpern, Ayurvedic medicine offers the opportunity to understand the world about the brain in a means that is completely unique and rather dissimilar from the variety about the Western Psychological and Psychiatric medicine models. “Ayurvedic medicine views psychotic disorders (schizophrenia) as the imbalance about energies supported by an inner level. According to Ayurveda and occult science, behind the flagrant fleshly is a subtle or astral physique composed about the life-force, emotions and thoughts. The astral is a subtle form or underlying energy pattern about the physical, from which the fleshly is produced (3). Frawley (1989).

In the classical texts about Ayurveda, there are detailed descriptions about intellectual disorders well-known as “Unmada”, and schizophrenia can be correlated with various about the types about “Unmada.  Ayurvedic’s physicians relate schizophrenia as a disorder about the brain caused by the doshas (vata, kapha, and vata.)  Moving in the wrong paths due to increased toxicity.  According to the established Ayurvedic texts, the Charaka Samhita, stupidity is defined as, “the deviation about the mind, intellect, consciousness, knowledge, memory, desire, manners, behavior, and conduct”.  It is denominated as stupidity (umada) as it is madness (mada) about the brain caused by a departure (unmarga) about the humors”.  Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha, (1998).

Western theories about the causes about Schizophrenia

The real causes about schizophrenia are sadly not known, however, there are several theories and hypotheses about the etiology about schizophrenia.  Western scientists and psychologists perform not until now understand everything the factors that produce schizophrenia.  An interaction about sociological, biological, and emotional factors seems to contribute to the condition. Schizophrenia and may result from assorted factors such as drug abuse, aging, and/or mind injuries and diseases. 

One about the additional influential views about the origins about schizophrenia is the theory about biochemical and mind dysfunction.  This view attempts to “identify the biological abnormalities that are inherited or developed by persons with schizophrenia.  The two most disposed candidates are biochemical abnormalities and abnormal mind structure.  It and involves disturbances about the brain’s chemistry, anatomy, and physiology, which in turn distort perceptions and subjective experiences.  This hypothesis revolves around the idea that schizophrenic symptoms power be the result about overactivity about a neurotransmitter called dopamine.” Maxmen, J. & Ward, N. (1995).   This theory is supported by the fact that drugs, which extend dopamine activity, can bring about a worsening about psychotic symptoms.

The care methods intended schizophrenia with this biological view are based supported by clinical study and experience. (1)Antipsychotic medications treat the symptoms about the disorder, however perform not cure schizophrenia.  “These medications lessen the psychotic symptoms about schizophrenia and usually allow the case to function additional effectively and appropriately.  Antipsychotic drugs appear to be the best care now available, however they perform not cure schizophrenia or ensure that there will be no more psychotic episodes. The antipsychotic drugs include two major classes: dopamine receptor antagonists (for example: Chlorpromazine (Thorazine), haloperidol (Haldol), sulpiride) and serotonin-dopamine antagonists’ drugs (per example, risperidone (Risperdal) and clozapine (Clozaril)). Kaplan, S. & Sadock, B. (1998)

Genetic theories state that biology produces schizophrenia and surroundings alters its course.  More specifically, genetic and more biological factors create assorted degrees about vulnerability to schizophrenia.  Whether, and how severely, the predisposed single Becomes schizophrenic depends supported by a mix about biological factors (e.g., seriousness about heredity, prenatal complications, or slow viruses).  Genetic scientists think that “some persons be left a biological tendency to schizophrenia and, in accordance with a diathesis-stress model, come to develop the disorder when they are confronted by extreme stress, usually during early adulthood.” (Gottesman, 1991).  Since schizophrenia tends to be familial, however does not follow a established pattern about inheritance, the study about genetic factors in this disorder has been complicated.  It is very doubtful that a single gene will at all be start that is guilty intended everything cases about schizophrenia in the population.

Another theory is based supported by psychosocial influences.  The emotional view is based supported by the principle that “psychological factors are critical in the growth about schizophrenia, (traumatic youth experiences, great invalidating intrafamiliar communication) substantially affect the extent about recovery; probability about relapse, overall quality about life, and the token message attributed to the disorder.” Maxmen & Ward, (1995).  The principal emotional explanations keep come from the psychodynamic, behavioral, family, existential, and cognitive perspectives.

Causes about Insanity from an Ayurvedic perspective.

From the writings extracted from the established text: the Caraka Samhita by R. K. Sharma and Bhagwan Dash, the causes about senselessness are due to  “having unhealthy foods which area spoiled, unaccustomed, contamined and using (food and drinks) improper manner; those who are dejected due to worry, grief, etc.), who are feeble brain due to the effect about sudden extend about disease, skeletal persons indulging in activities in improper ways, doing mistakes in the method about worship, by doing sinful acts, mislaying about support about mind, by the belongings about strong poisons or feeble poisons due to these reasons the doshas getting increased in the brain in persons about feeble mind, produces spoiling about the mind, and invading the manovaha shrotas channels about the brain / caused insanity”. Asthanga-Hrdaya about Vagbhta: the book eight branches about Ayurveda, (1994).

     In flow literatures, Dr. David Frawley describes that, “mental disorders are caused by emotional stress, poor upbringing, repressive religion, coming beneath the influence about disturbed individuals, sexual abuse or perversion, and winning drugs”. Frawley, (1989).   Dr. Frawley more adds that metal illness are and caused by surfeit reasoning or by the strain in yogic or thought practices naively first up to the influences the astral plane, and via occult methods”. He and states that “mental disorders, containing schizophrenia are caused by a spoiling about sattva; that is, by a disorder about the inherent explicit quality about the mind. This occurs though surfeit rajas and tamas turbulence and darkness in the mind. Too much rajas involves surfeit about anger, hatred and fear, immoderate nervousness, worry, and anxiety. Too much tamas involves surfeit sleep, dullness, apathy, apathy and the inability to perceive things as they are”. Frawley, (1996).

According to the Asthanga-Hydaya about Vagbhata stupidity is a toxicity / disorder to the brain caused by dohas (vata, etc.) moving in the wrong paths due to their increase”. It and said that having unhealthy foods which are spoiled, unaccustomed, contamined and using (food and drinks) improper manner, those who are dejected due to worry, grief, etc.), who is feeble brain due to the effect about sudden extend about disease, skeletal persons indulging in activities in improper ways, doing mistakes in the method about

worship, by doing sinful acts, mislaying about support about mind, by the belongings about strong poisons or feeble poisons due to these reasons the doshas getting increased in the brain in persons of  Feeble brain produces spoiling about the mind, and invading the manovaha shrotas channels  Of the mind/ caused insanity”. All these corruptions causes the intelligence, understanding, and mind to go astray.  Because about that, the physique loses any sense about joy or sorrow, and wanders about purposelessly same as a chariot which has missed its driver”.

According to classical medical texts written by the initial Ayurvedic physicians, There are six kinds about stupidity that arise from each about the humors, from a conjunction about them, from intellectual anguish, and from poisoning. Regarding the growth about intellectual illness, Ayurvedic physician’s states that “The corruption about certain intellectual and fleshly things can source the inflammation about the humors in the heart about SOME1 whose intellectual power is weakened. Next, it causes contamination about the intelligence, destruction about the pathways along which brain flows and, finally, insanity. Wujastyk, (1998).

Types about stupidity (unmada)

Wind insanity: (vayu)

“Wind gives rise to the following: an skeletal body; inappropriate lamenting,

shouting, laughing, and smiling, as well as dancing, singing, playing music, talking,

posturing, bursting out; repeatedly and tunelessly imitating the noise about a flute, veena, or more instrument; frothing at the mouth; constantly itinerant about; continual talking; using things which are not ornaments as decoration; annoying to travel supported by things which are not vehicles; thing insatiable intended food, however spurning it once it has been obtained; bulging, Bloodshot eyes, and illness after foods had been digested.” Wajastic, (1998). Swami Sada Shiv Tirtha notes, “Vayu stupidity is and caused by fasting or an immoderate intake about dry or cold foods. This affects the heart and brain with worry, passion, and anger which results in distortion about mind and perceptions.” Swami Sada Shiv Tirtha, (1998). 

 Frawley states that when tall vata, as surfeit ether, makes us ungrounded, spaced-out and unrealistic. We may keep assorted wrong imaginations, hallucinations or delusions, same as hearing voices. High vata in the brain manifests as fear, alienation, anxiety and possible nervous breakdown. There is insomnia, tremors, palpitations, unrest and rapid shifts about mood. Insanity about the manic depressive sort or schizophrenia is an extreme vata imbalance”. Frawley, (1996).

Choleric Insanity: (pitta)

Choler gives rise to bullying behavior, fury, and charging at persons with fists stones,

and the like. The case craves coolness shade, and water. He goes naked, and has a

yellow color. He sees thing which are not there, such as ire, flames, stars, and lamps.

Pitta stupidity results from indigestion, surfeit about hot, pungent, sour, or burning foods and

liquids, excesses pitta afflict the heart about the being deficient self-control. Wajastic (1988).

Frawley notes that the “fire and warm (up) about pitta source the brain to be narrowed and contentious, fighting either with others or with themselves. High pitta in the brain causes agitation, irritation, anger, and possible violence. The overheated physique and brain pursue release in venting the build-up tension. Pitta types can develop into domineering, strict or fanatic. When disturbed they various keep paranoid delusions, delusion about grandeur or can develop into psychotic.” Frawley, (1996).

Phlegmatic Insanity: (kapha)

Phlegm causes the case to lose any long for intended food. It causes vomiting, and a lowering

in motivation, appetite, and conversation. It causes a lechery intended women. It causes the case

to enjoy solitude. He dribbles mucus and snot, and is extremely frightening. He hates thing

clean. He sleeps, and has swollen face. This stupidity is stronger at night, and just after

eating. This is caused by the overeating and immoderate employ about oily foods. This is

aggravated kapha afflicts the heart, troubling the brain and memory.  Wajastic, (1988)

Frawey stated that kapha sort evolves attachment and shortage about motivation lading to depression, sorrow, and clinging. The brain may be incapable about abstract, objective or cold thinking. There is shortage about drive and motivation along with passivity and dependency”. Frawley (1996).

Conjunctive Insanity: (trisdosha)

When there is a conjunction about everything the sources about disease, and symptoms, in those days the

resulting stupidity is dreadful. A doctor should remain away from such a patient.

This caused by the excessed condition about everything thee doshas. It is considered bad as

the therapies will make worse single or additional about the doshas. Therefore, this condition is

incurable. Wajastic, (1988).

Insanity source by loss:

A being crushed by the unbearable mislaying about his possessions or about a loved single becomes

pale, depressed, and swoons frequently. “oh, oh” he groans. He wails intended no reason. He

loses consciousness. He thinks a group about the qualities about what he has lost. His brain is

Distraught with grief and he cannot slumber(s) intended worrying. He thrashes about. Wajastc, (1988).

Insanity caused by poison:

Poison makes the face murky the complexion, strength, and senses are everything ruined. The

Patient is ecstatic regular in amidst fits, and has bloodshot eyes. He should be avoided. Wajastic, (1988).

Western Psychiatric and Psychological Treatment intended Schizophrenia

The leading method about care intended these patients is the employ about psychotropic medications, which aim to mitigate symptomology such as visual and auditory hallucinations, suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression.  The proper care about schizophrenia may include a combination about dissimilar techniques.

 Generally, medications intended treating psychotic symptoms about schizophrenia are referred to as antipsychotic, or sometimes neuroleptics.  Examples about level antipsycotics include Thorazine, Mellaril, Modecate, Prolixin, Navane, Stelazine and Haldol.  The newer antipsychotic drugs are called unusual antipsychotic medications are thing used additional and additional frequently.  They are called “atypical” as they perform not keep the similar drug profiles as level medicine and seem to work in a dissimilar means causing fewer side belongings while helping patients to stabilize.  Examples include Risperdone, Clozaril, Zyprexa and Seroquel.   Most patients keep to take medicine regularly to remain their illness beneath control. It is not possible to know in advance which medicine will work best intended an individual.  Many medicine adjustments may be required.  This period about trial and error can be extremely hard intended everyone involved. Some medications keep bad side belongings such as dry mouth, drowsiness, stiffness, restlessness, tendon spasms, tremor, and blurring vision.

I keep and observed that regular patients who respond well to psychotropic medicine keep on to keep secondary symptoms such as lethargy, disinterest, immoderate sleep, shortage about spontaneous emotions and more symptoms about relapse. In addition, patients frequently develop many medicine adverse effect, however these can be corrected by lowering the dosage or controlled by more medications.  Different patients keep dissimilar care responses and side belongings to assorted antipsychotic drugs.

“Other biological therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy, while smaller efficient than antipsychotic drugs, may be indicated intended catatonic patients and intended patients who intended some reason cannot take antipyshcoitc drugs.  In the past, schizophrenia was treated with insulin and barbirute-induced coma, however these treatments are no longer used as about the connected hazards.  Psychosurgery, particularly frontal lobotomy, was used from 1935 to 1955, and is no longer considered an appropriate treatment.”

Kaplan, S. (1998).

Although antipsychotic medications are the mainstay about the care intended schizophrenia, study has start that psychosocial interventions can extend the clinical status.  One about the main modalities used in psychosocial therapies is behavioral therapy.  This remedy uses techniques such as token economies and communal skills training to extend communal abilities, self-sufficiency, practical skills, and interpersonal communication.  Skills-based programs can lead to an enhancement in being functioning and the later discharge about persons with schizophrenia who keep had long-term stays in psychiatric facilities. 

Cognitive remedy is used to improve cognitive distortions, lessen distractibility, and correct errors in judgment.  Group remedy focuses supported by real being plans, problems, and relationships.  “Because patients with schizophrenia often develop into ill during the critical calling forming years about being (e.g., ages 18 to 35), they are smaller disposed to perfect the training prescribed intended skilled work.  As a result, various suffer with shortage about communal and work skills and experience as well.” (www.nimh.gov).  Rehabilitation programs emphasize communal and vocational training to aid patients and former patients to overcome difficulties in these areas.  These programs include vocational counseling, job training, problem solving, money management skills, employ about transportation, and social/communication skills training.

Although schizophrenia is not until now a “curable” disease, the care intended this illness is additional efficient today than at all before, largely as about the painstaking reasoning and study that has gone into it.  The most successful care programs are the ones that employ a multimodal approach.  They employ the proper care about schizophrenia that includes the following: medication, education, family counseling, commuter and rehabilitation programs, self-help groups, nutrition, relax and exercise. 

  Ayurvedic Medicine Treatment methods about Schizophrenia

 Ayurvedic medicine is a holistic system about medicine that treats intellectual disorders from mild highlight to severe condition, containing stupidity (psychosis). “Ayurveda employs whole series about yogi and metaphysical therapies, containing meditation, pranayama, mantra, prayers, visualizations, and rituals called “spiritual therapy” (daiva cikitsa).’ Frawley, (1998).

Ayurvedic’s treatments methods initial works supported by balancing the biological humors via appropriate fleshly remedial methods about diet, herbs, and exercise. One about the best Ayurvedic’s care intended schizophrenia includes panchakarma chikitsa. Some Ayurvedic formulations are Mahakalyanak ghrita, Vachadi churna, Purana ghrita, and Saraswatharistha. According to Frawley, everything emotional disorders, containing psychotic disorders reflect imbalances about the three biological humors. He says, “Health problems, whether fleshly or mental, are not merely personal problems, however energetic problems in the mind-body complex. They are not so much personal or moral failings as an inability to match the forces within us” Frawley (1996). The imbalances caused by the shortage or harmony in our lives weaken the doshas that afflict the heart where there is smaller sattwa in ones’s being and the mind. The disease develops via the  manovaha srota that sends psychic energy to the mind”

Treatment differentiation: Vata, pitta, and kapha sort insanity

Frawley reports that intended intellectual disorders, containing schizophrenia treatments are uniform that neurosis sort and  Pancha karma care is recommended as a stronger method.

Vata sort insanity: Dr. Frawley states that nourishing and sedating herbs are required, largely ashwagandha and its assorted preparations. Sarpagandha, rauwolfia serpentine, is an important ayurvedic herb intended intellectual disorders. Other great herbs include valerian, guggul, jatamansi and calamus. Other therapies recommended are oil and ghee therapies, containing oil enemas. Oil and ghee assuming the wind passages are not blocked and laxatives which are given with the oils and ghee to remove the blocks.

Pitta sort Insanity:  purgation is recommended, regular with strong purgatives, is frequently helpful. The additional violent type, the additional purgation is required. Good herbs intended this include rhubarb root, senna and aloe. Gotu kola is generally the best herb others are bhringaraj, sandalwood and passion flower. Shatavari is great intended promoting a sense about love and compassion and is better intended weaker pitta types. Also, oleation and fomentation therapies are recommended, in those days purgatives, followed by emetics. Also, medicated enemas departure from the head with jatamashi and gotu kola.

Kaph sort insanity:  is recommended spicy brain-stimulating herbs. The care is mainly expectorant, to explicit phlegm from blocking the channels and obstructing intellectual functioning. Important herbs are calamus, basil, bayberry, sage, myrrh, and guggul, which keep great expectorant action. Other formulas include trikatu with ghee or calams ghee.

Other important miscellaneous therapies:

Other miscellaneous therapies relate in flow Ayurvedic texts include, Abhyanga, shirodhara, shirobasti, ghee to inspire the mind, intellect, mind and consciousness; and applying thick ointments. In addition, more Ayurvedic treatments recommend dissimilar kinds about nasal medicines conflicting with mustard and oil. It is and recommended face and head massage with mustard oil and the inhalation about mustard powder. Other additional interfering treatments recommended were bloodletting and shock treatment. Some alternative treatments recommended intended the stupidity by the initial Ayurvedic physicians were to aid the patient’s brain to develop into still by throwing the case into a dry well and remain him hungry up to he/she is emaciated; send a policemen to grab the case and take the case outside and intimidate him/her with physical punishment, and bullying him/her in the name about the king; terrify the case with name lions, elephants or snakes whose fangs keep been drawn or with knives in one’s hands or with tribesman, enemies, or robbers; tie the case up, sell him and in those days company him/her into a coal mine or into a completely murky chamber which has no knives, stones, or persons in it; and to  friend may comfort the case with conversations that inculcated virtue and profits; “  Wujastic, (1998).

Ancient ayurvedic herbal formulations intended any intellectual disorders.

1. brahmi ghee-( 4 days worth).

Ingredients: Brahmi- 50 mgs., shankha pushpin-50 mgs., Ashwagandha-50 mgs.,  jatamanshi 50 mgs., and Ghee -100 mgs. Dose: 1 tsp. 2 times daily.

Preparation: cause a adhesive from the herbs and roll into a ball, boil the ghee and add the adhesive and cook for1/2 hour, and filter. Swami Sada Shiva irtha (1998).

2. Cow’s urine potion:

“Cow’s urine is cooked in about three kilograms about ghee, together with about 200 grams about asofoetida, murky salt, and a mix about black pepper, long pepper and dried ginger this is the best thing intended banishing insanity” Wajastic, (1998 ).

The principles about treating intellectual disease

In the flow physique about literature, Dr. Marc Halpern writes, “All intellectual disease originates in a shortage about clarity (sattwa) within the mind”. He adds, “The leading goal about metaphysical restoring is the cultivation about sattwa via proper lifestyle and via everything five senses”. In addition, Dr. Halpern points out that some general principles are needed to mend the mind, containing spending additional time in nature, intervention practices, and yoga (8 limbs). He and adds that avoiding the influence about the media and eating a sattvic provisions helps to restore the mind. Finally, it is and recommended to extend ojas and support prana, tejas.


As noted by Psychiatric professionals, schizophrenia is not until now a “curable” disease, however the care intended this illness is additional efficient today than at all before, largely as about the painstaking reasoning and study that has gone into its main care method,  antipsychotic medication.  However, it is well well-known the many quick and long-term intellectual and fleshly side belongings caused by anti-psychotic medication.  Some about the about the “less serious” side belongings include dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, cough, and blurry vision. And some about the additional bad long term side belongings include, tardive dyskinesia, low pale blood cell count, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, mind loss, uncontrollable physique movements, unexplained tendon weakness, suicidal thoughts, liver failure, diabetes, weight gain, digestive problems, heart disease, sexual dysfunction,  degenerative disorders, among others. I think the most successful care approaches are the ones that employ a multimodal and holistic approach.

Ayurvedic medicine can be about great backing to the care about persons suffering from schizophrenia and more psychotic disorders. In addition to everything the therapies described above, Ayurvedic Medicine employs a whole series about Yogic and metaphysical therapies not until now explored by Western approaches intended the care about intellectual illness. Some about these metaphysical therapies include meditation, pranayanma, mantra, prayer, and visualizations apart from its regular fleshly restoring means and modalities to treat intellectual conditions such as herbal medicine, education, yoga, diet/nutrition, aromatherapy, and color therapy.

Unfortunately, Ayurvedic medicine is not entirely until now incorporated as a complementary remedy to the care about intellectual disorder by Western Medical establishment. Although Western care methods intended the care about schizophrenia are additional efficient today, still there is no cure and not a single efficient Western care method intended schizophrenia. Most about the western methods are additional focused supported by improving their quality about life, minimize symptoms, avoid suicide, avert relapses, better the patient’s self- esteem, and to improve communal and occupational functioning.  In addition, Psychiatric care methods are to support the patient’s symptoms, lessen the miss intended psychiatric hospitalizations and to extend the patient’s communal and unrelated living skills.  Unfortunately there is no scientific study done supported by Ayurvedic care intended schizophrenia that can validate the effectiveness about its care methods. Finally, Ayurvedic medicine offers a great hope intended persons with psychotic disorders that can aid them to dwell a additional balanced life. As noted by Frawley, “Ayurveda teaches harmony with nature, ease and contentment as the keys to well being. Ayurveda shows us how to dwell in a state about support in which fulfillment in a matter about being, not becoming. It connects us with the wellsprings about creativity and happiness within our personal consciousness, so that we can permanently overcome our emotional problems”. Frawley, (1998).


Keefe, R., and Harvey, P. (1994).  Understanding schizophrenia: A guide to the modern study supported by causes and treatment. New York: The Free Press.

Manxmen, J., and Ward, N., (1995). Essential psychopathology and its treatment. New York: Norton.

American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual about intellectual disorders. (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Liberman, R. (1988). Psychiatric rehabilitation about chronic intellectual patients. Washington, DC: American Psychology Association.

Comer, R. (1992). Abnormal Psychology. New York: Freeman and company.

Kaplan, H., and Sadock, B. (1998). Synopsis about Psychiatry: Behavioral Science / Clinical Psychiatry. Pa: Rose Tree Corporate Center.

British Columbia Schizophrenia Society. (2001, April). Basic facts about schizophrenia: National Institute about Mental Health. (1999, June 1). Schizophrenia. Retrieved from http:www.nimh.gov/publicat/schizoh.htm

A Review about Schizophrenia by Dr. B. Green, consultant Psychiatrist, UK. (1995). Schizophrenia an unrelated review article in Psychiatry on-line. Retrieved from http://www.pol-it.org//schizo.htm

Schizophrenia Research at the National Institute about Mental Health. (1999, April 14). Schizophrenia research. Retrieved from http://nimh.gov/publicat/schizresfact.htm

American Institute about Vedic Studies

Frawley, (2004) Ayurvedic Healing Course intended Health Care Professionals Part IV

Santa Fe, N.American Institute about Vedic Studies.

.Frawley, (1989). Ayurveda and the Mind the restoring about Consciousness

Salt Lake City, Utah. Passage Press

Wujasty, (1998). The Roots about Ayurveda.  London. Penguin books

Halpern. (2005)  Principles about Ayurvedic Medicine.  8th edition.

Grass Valley CA. California College about Ayurveda.

Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha. (1998). The Ayurveda Encyclopedia. Natural Secrets to Healing, Prevention, & Longevity. First edition. Bayville. NY. Ayurveda Holistic Center Press.

such thing explanation concerning Ayurvedic & Western approaches to the treatment of Schizophrenia (by Rubén Vega, MA) hopefully articlethisadding insight thank you

Article this was posted ontag , date06-09-2019

1 comment for "Ayurvedic & Western Approaches To The Treatment Of Schizophrenia (by Rubén Vega, MA) Schizophrenia Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment"

  1. rrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,Lupus,Lymne Disease,psoriasis,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Brain Tumor,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma Infectious mononucleosis.  .Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
    Dementia.(measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria),Chronic Diarrhea,
    Hpv,All Cancer Types,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com  /  .  even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.  
